Leonardo Da Vinci – Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Yesterday I joined a group of people from Westminster (Colorado) to visit the Denver Museum of Nature & Science to see the exhibit called Leonardo Da Vinci 500 Years of Genius. The exhibit had models of many of his inventions as well as a large section concerning the Mona Lisa. I was surprised to discover the variety of his interests. These interests included painting, sculpture as well as the numerous inventions. One of the fasinating things that Leonardo designed was a self supporting bridge. There are articles on the web as well as a couple of videos showing how it would work. I also bought the exhibit book. The link for the exhibit in Denver is: https://secure1.dmns.org/leonardo-da-vinci-500-years-of-genius
I would highly recommend visiting this exhibit if it is possible, it will be in Denver until August 25 2019..

I should mention that while I was at the museum, I also walked through a lot of the areas. Some of the areas of interest included the Egyptian mummies, space exploration, gems and minerals, Colorado wildlife and so on. As we were not there long enough, I didn’t see any IMAX films. There is an area about health sponsored by Kaiser Permanente that was fasinating. It seemed to be setup so that school children could learn about their bodies.
Definitely a worthwhile trip which I would encourage.


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