A New Home

We ended last year (2019) by moving from our home of over 35 years in Westminster Colorado to our new home in Greeley Colorado. This was a major change in many ways, but especially as our old home was a two story townhouse with a full basement and our new home is a double wide mobile home. We took got the keys around the end of November and actually moved in the beginning of December. We surprised everyone by having our Christmas get together here. A lot of work in just over three weeks. However, everything went well.

After the first of the year, we cleared out everything in the old home, involving many trips back and forth – about 60 miles each way. But we finally got it done and sold the old home on 01-25-2020.

We are now working towards making this home our own. Lots on minor changes and some remodeling but all worth it. Among the changes are new storm doors, new light fixtures and ceiling fans as well as new locks. My plan is to post pictures here as soon as possible.

We love it here. One of the best things we have discovered is that almost every place we need to go on a regular basis is within about 6 miles. As we also try to combine trips, we save on gas and time.

We have noticed that when it gets dark here, it really gets dark. In the Denver Metro area, when the sun set it was more of a twilight but not really dark. Here it goes from getting dark to just really dark in a very short time. If you look out the window and think it will be dark soon and then before you know it, it really is dark! Soon it will be warm enough to go outside after dark and see how many stars we can see. I am thinking it will be much more than in Westminster – much less light pollution.

More later…Mike

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